导演:杰弗里·沃克主演:奥玛·希,Alassane Diong,乔纳斯·布洛凯,Bamar Kane,阿拉萨内·塞伊,Aminata Wone,弗朗索瓦·夏托特,Clément Sambou,Oumar Sey,蕾雅·加尼,Aristide Tarnagda,Indjai Caramo,Souleymane Bah,Jordan Gomis,Ibrahima Ba,Anthony Paliotti,Antoine Réjasse
A registered trademark helps build brand recognition and consumer trust. It distinguishes a business from its competitors and signifies the quality and origin of goods or services. Consumers often associate trademarks with certain attributes and rely on them to make informed purchasing decisions.