there There be 的40个句型

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there There be 的40个句型

quot;There bequot;是一个英语的固定词组,用来表达存在或出现某事物的意思。以下是quot;there bequot;的20个常用句型:

1. There is a book on the table.(桌子上有一本书。)
2. There are many students in the classroom.(教室里有很多学生。)
3. There will be a meeting tomorrow.(明天将有一次会议。)
4. There was a car accident on the highway.(公路上发生了一起车祸。)
5. There have been some changes in the plan.(计划发生了一些变化。)
6. There might be a problem with the computer.(电脑可能有问题。)
7. There should be more opportunities for young people.(应该给年轻人更多的机会。)
8. There used to be a park here.(这里过去有一个公园。)
9. There seems to be a misunderstanding between them.(他们之间似乎有误会。)
10. There must be a solution to this problem.(这个问题一定有解决办法。)
11. There may be a delay in the delivery of the package.(包裹可能会延迟送达。)
12. There is going to be a storm tonight.(今晚会有一场暴风雨。)
13. There should have been more preparation for the event.(对这个活动应该做更多的准备。)
14. There will be no more chances.(不会再有机会了。)
15. There used to be a time when we were closer.(过去有一个时期我们更亲密。)
16. There appears to be a problem with the printer.(打印机似乎有问题。)
17. There must be a reason for his behavior.(他的行为一定有原因。)
18. There might be some difficulties along the way.(路上可能会遇到一些困难。)
19. There could be a misunderstanding in the communication.(沟通中可能有误解。)
20. There is always hope, even in the darkest of times.(即使在最黑暗的时刻,仍然有希望。)


1. There is a cat on the table.
2. There are many books on the shelf.
3. There was a car accident on the highway.
4. There were three people waiting in line.
5. There will be a meeting in the conference room.
6. There has been a change in plans.
7. There have been complaints about the noise.
8. There used to be a playground in this area.
9. There ought to be more opportunities for young artists.
10. There might be a delay in the delivery.
11. There should be a solution to this problem.
12. There could be a misunderstanding between them.
13. There seems to be a misunderstanding here.
14. There appears to be a problem with the computer.
15. There happens to be a sale at the store today.
16. There remains a question that needs to be answered.
17. There exists a possibility of finding a cure for the disease.
18. There occurs a phenomenon that is worth studying.
19. There arises a need for better communication.
20. There goes a famous actor walking down the street.

本文标题:there There be 的40个句型
