双语美文 | 曾有一只风筝害怕飞上天。

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双语美文 | 曾有一只风筝害怕飞上天。




  ◎ By Jon Lentz 译 / 阿琼

  It was the perfect day to fly a kite. Thesun was warm. The breeze was right. Theair was fresh with the sweet perfume offlowering trees in springtime bloom. After thelong, boring winter, kites everywhere couldn#39;twait for the chance to go dance in the air. Tosummersault (翻筋斗)freely. Tozigzag (使呈Z字形移动)the sun. Everykite was excited. Well, all kites but one.


  In the back of a closet, lookinghaggard (形容枯槁的,憔悴的)andthin(消瘦的),fretted(烦躁)one lonely kite thatpreferred to stay in. He was diamond in shape,half red and half white, with abowtie(蝶形领结)rag tail,meant to steady his flight. His lines were soclassic you may think with a sigh that you#39;veseen him before in some childhood sky. But hedidn#39;t like flying. Well, that isn#39;t quite rightmdash;Itwasn#39;t the flying so much as the height.

  在一个柜子深处,有一只孤零零的风筝看起来有点憔悴且瘦削,他无比烦躁, 宁愿留在柜子里。他的外形呈菱形,一半红色一半白色,下面有一个布做的蝴蝶结形状的尾巴帮助他在飞行时保持平衡。他的轮廓线那么经典,你可能会心生感叹,觉得儿时曾在天空中见过他。但是这只风筝不喜欢飞行。哦,这么说也不全对mdash;mdash;比起飞这件事,困扰他更多的是高度的问题。

  You see, the higher the flight, the further thefall. It was that which scared the kite most of all.From the park nearby echoed laughter and joy.The kite knew it wouldn#39;t be long #39;till his boy wouldburst into the closet tocart(强制地带走)him away for anotherembarrassing public display. They would headfor the park with the otherfanatics (狂热者;入迷者)in search ofthe perfect kiteaerobatics(特技飞行). The boy would startrunning. The string would unwind. And the kite, hewouldtumble (翻筋斗,滚翻)on the hard ground behind. At thatvery moment, as his thought was complete, thecloset door opened. The kite shrunk in defeat.


  quot;Come on,quot; said the boy, quot;It#39;s the perfect kiteday.quot; And the boy and the kite headed outside toplay. As they came to the park there were kidseverywhere flying kites that sailed gracefully highin the air. The boy pointed up, quot;Look, flying iseasy!quot; With dread the kite looked, it made him feelqueasy(不舒服的,不自在的), although the spring breezes were heartilyblowing.

  来吧, 男孩说, 今天是放风筝的好日子。男孩带着风筝出去玩了。等他们到了公园,那里已经到处是放风筝的孩子,他们的风筝都优雅地在空中飞得很高。男孩指着天空:看,飞起来一点都不难!风筝害怕地向上看去,他觉得很不舒服,尽管春风吹得很起劲儿。

  The boy started running to get the kite going.He ran all through the park while other kidsgaped(目瞪口呆地凝视,张口注视)at his kite that dragged ... and tumbled ... andscraped (擦;刮). He heard a boy laugh and another onejoke, quot;That kite must either be stupid or broke.quot;The boy hung his head and went back to his kite.Kneeling, he thoughtfully asked, quot;You alright?quot; Thekite seemed to be no worse for the wear, eventhough he had not so much as caught air.


  quot;Why don#39;t you fly?quot; The boy#39;s tone wasstaid(沉着的,稳重的). quot;Don#39;t you know how?quot; he asked. quot;Are youafraid?quot; With all of his pride, the kite tried to contestit, but the look in his eyes told the boy he hadguessed it.


  They sat in silence a moment, theboy and the kite. Then with a kind smile,the boy said, quot;It#39;s alright. Everyone getsfrightened. Dad says that#39;s okay. And by facingfears boldly we can scare some away. That#39;show it was with me and my bike. Maybe biking andflying are a little alike.quot; Theglimmer (微光)of hope thatshone in the boy#39;s eye made the kite decide to giveflying a try.


The boy started running to give the kite lift. The wind on thekite was at once brisk and swift. Instead of fighting the wind hegave himself to it.As it carried him upward, he knew he coulddo it.


  At first he was careful not to look down. Then he got up hisnerve. He could see the whole town! Withexhilaration (兴奋;高兴)he felthis heart soar. So he yelled to the boy, quot;Give more string, please.More!quot; Mustering courage, his jaw tight and square, he made agreatloop-the-loop(在空中翻筋斗)in the air. Every child wassquinting(眯着眼看)towatch that kite sailmdash;now a glisteningspeck(小点般的东西)with a bowtie ragtail. With his head in the clouds, the kite felt quite grand untilremembering he still didn#39;t know how to land. But instead oflocking in panic, he let his fear go. The kite took a deep breathe,and said, quot;On with the show!quot; Then giving himself once againto the breeze, he lost elevation, just sure as you please. Surfingthe breezes eventually brought him back to the park where anelated(兴高采烈的,欢欣鼓舞的)boy caught him.


  The kite felt peaceful and blissful and new, and he wantedhis boy to feel all of it too. So without hesitation, he said, quot;Holdon tight!quot; And they took off together, the boy and the kite. Theyfloated, they glided, they hung in the sky. They waved at startledbirds flying by. Higher than treetops and rooftops they flew, andthe higher they went, the greater the view. They saw so manyparks in the town down below, and so many kites with childrenin tow. And every so often they were touched by the sight of ahopeful child dragging a scared, earthbound kite. When the boyand kite landed they were met with wild cheers.


  Their story became legend; it was told so many years. Thelegend ends with the lessons the kite learned that day that facingfears boldly can scare some away. To succeed at new things, youmust be willing to grow. That means not holding back. It meansletting go.


本文标题:双语美文 | 曾有一只风筝害怕飞上天。
